
Hope for a Hopeless Day: Encouragement and Inspiration When You Need It Most is unavailable, but you can change that!

When it feels as if there is no hope left and you don’t know whom to turn to, where should you go? Through the words of Jesus, Jack W. Hayford unfolds the secret of triumphing over the ultimate season of suffering and reveals how to regain hope in the midst of seemingly impossible situations. By focusing on the power of the Cross, you will find hope and help to handle trials that come your way....

The first words of this Lamb-Priest are tender in the face of His hate-filled antagonists, and they are timeless and love-filled as they reach to you and me today. But they are also teaching words for us who would be taught how to find hope for a hopeless day, and our first lesson is this: To find hope for a hopeless day, begin by forgiving everyone who seems to be trying to ruin your life. Hopelessness is as common an emotion and as real a reality as any of us experience. Hopeless days are the result
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